• Wind energy exhibition by EXPO21XX presents international manufacturers and suppliers of the wind energy industry.



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How to build a wind turbine blade.
Our technical and design ability allow us to match customer needs also in terms of cost.
Both our own models and those designed by our customers are reviewed with an eye to the final cost of the product: all elements determining the final cost are thoroughly assessed and design challenged with the aim to achieve the best result at the desired cost, both for small and large rotors when cost is of the essence, however keeping performance at the highest possible levels.

Manufacturing & Industrialization
Our Manufacturing abilities come from advanced marine / aerospace state-of-the-art techniques, with particular regard to the infusion process and the mix of advanced materials we are able to use when designing and actually producing a new blade.
Our ability in industrialising blades includes deciding, jointly with the client, the best possible manufacturing solutions aiming at keeping overall costs in the desired range while being able to monitor and manage all involved processes thus guaranteeing high quality levels and the respect of delivery schedules.
Industrialization involves both design to cost and design to performance own techniques and also the ability to guarantee the pace of the production according to customer / market demand, defining the need to use one or more moulds, for example.

Our industrialization competences show attractive features:
• Geometry tolerance +/-0,2mm
• Advanced automation (CNC Cutting and Drilling, plotter based texture cutting, robot aided coating)

Moulding & Tooling
In the overall concept of long term partnership with clients, we provide end-to-end services on our blades as well as third party blades.
eTa Blades offers therefore both Inspection and Monitoring as well as Maintenance and Repair services.
Our manufacturing facilities are located in the most important Italian naval district and we benefit from the partnerships with some of the key supplier of the most important shipbuilders.
We therefore have joined forces with selected partners, like Persico spa to provide clients with state-of-the-art mouldings which, thanks to our partnerships, can be delivered quickly – always ensuring best quality and long duration.

Blade Services
In the overall concept of long term partnership with clients, we provide end-to-end services on our blades as well as third party blades. eTa Blades offers therefore both Inspection and Monitoring as well as Maintenance and Repair services

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