- Position sensors & object recognition, fluid sensors & diagnostics, bus system AS interface, control & identification systems.

- Specialized in precision sensors and measurement systems, Micro-Epsilon provides solutions for the measurement of dimensions, distance, temperature and color and delivers the world's widest range of sensors, systems and turnkey inspection systems

- Our photoelectric sensors master extreme influences such as bright ambient light, high humidity or dirt.

- With over 50 years of sensor experience, we are a world leader of sensor technology for all areas of automation.

- One of the world’s leading producers of sensors and sensor solutions for industrial applications.

- Avantes is the leading innovator in the development and application of fiber optic spectroscopy instruments and systems with over two decades of experience developing customer-defined spectrometer configurations.

- With our digitally networkable solutions for efficient automation systems, we are one of the pioneers of Industry 4.0 and IIoT.

- Photodetectors & -diodes, photomultipliers, image sensors, low light level cameras, fluorescence and scientific imaging systems.

- One of the leading suppliers in vision sensors & systems, optical sensors, ultrasonic, inductive and capacitive sensors.

- Time-Correlated Single-Photon Counting Camera

- VIGO System S.A. is a world-leading manufacturer of uncooled infrared photon detectors.

- development and manufacturing of standard and special-purpose sensors for industrial automation

- Wide range of high-quality switchgears for the protection of machines and plants in industrial automation and lift industry.

- One of the leading suppliers of industrial safety technology.
We provide a range of switches, sensors and enclosures.

- We are a leading manufacturer of inductive & photoelectric sensors and sensing equipment for industrial applications.

- Manufacturer of industrial sensors and access controls for the factory automation & process control industry

- A compact machine vision system: VisiCube masters simple vision applications efficiently and economically.

- wenglor stands for innovative products for contactless object recognition, smart sensor and image processing technologies. Many of our patented product and system solutions are used in countless automated industries worldwide.

- Development and production of sensors, encoders, measuring instruments as well as components for automatic image processing.

- We are one of the major worldwide producers of automatic identification, detection and marking solutions for industrial automation