- Offer Profile
- A huge range of series cylinders and the current
state of the art make hydraulics the "first-choice technology". The precision
and quality typical of Hänchen in the most extensive standard programme in the
market, the possibility of avoiding expensive special designs through modified
series cylinders, and now the whole range of mechatronic services such as
conception, project planning, software consultancy, integration in an
overarching control system through to commissioning on site impressively show
that standard products can indeed meet the most-demanding requirements and
individual task assignments.
Product Portfolio
Hydraulic cylinders

Hydraulic Cylinders
- The finest way to treat hydraulic cylinders:
Hänchen quality
Everyone who has heard of Hänchen is aware that its worldwide reputation is
based on hydraulic cylinder solutions that are anything but standardised.
The standardisation per se actually deals with nothing more than basic
dimensions and connections, mounting parts etc. Indeed for this or that
solution, the choice of a standard cylinder will often do the job without
any problems. Upon closer inspection however, one will draw his/her own
conclusions from what is an obvious difference and reconsider, because the
standard Hänchen cylinder – by virtue of its size alone – offers advantages
which tip the balance in its favour.

Hydraulic Cylinders with Proximity Sensors
- Hydraulic cylinder with inductive proximity sensor
or inductive proximity switch
If there is a need for signalling in conjunction with Hänchen hydraulic
cylinder, the pressure-resistant, inductive proximity sensor are not far
away: depending upon the task at hand they go into action when specific
consequential processes are triggered, they monitor functions (with
additional diagnosis output), display enabled or disabled states,
co-ordinate switching points.

Ratio-Test® Test-Cylinder
- Test cylinder,servo cylinder and test cylinder with
position measuring system
It’s not only in the aerospace industry that test cylinders made by Hänchen
are success-fully used in highly demanding, decisive situations. Test and
inspection facilities are now-adays an integral part of the industrial
production process. The typical applications of Hänchen test cylinders
include establi-shing the mobile safety of vehicles, the operational
reliability of machines or the functional integrity of individual products,
the testing of exhaust-gas systems or the function-ing of airbags, and much

Ratio-Clamp® Clamping Device
- Clamping device Ratio-Clamp® hydraulic clamp from
At the very latest when a power failure (intentional or not) or a
malfunction occurs and the safety of man and machine needs to be ensured,
Ratio-Clamp® from Hänchen comes into its own.
Boasting a retention force of up to 450 kN, the clamp hydraulic holds the
piston rod in whatever position it is in at that particular moment. Without
having to rustle up some extra power (no extra energy) and for an unlimited
period of time. The clamping device Ratio-Clamp® is approved by the German
Technical Inspection Agency (TÜV). Nor does the development of specific
solutions (larger rod diameters, intermediate sizes, greater clamping
forces...) pose a problem to the Hänchen specialists

Industrial Shock Absorbers
- The last thing you need in production are production
outages, machine damage and increased maintenance costs. Wherever masses are
set in motion, such risks can be minimised only if the deceleration of the
moved masses is uniform and linear across the whole deceleration distance.
Only if this requirement is met, may the solution be referred to as the
optimum solution. The Hänchen industrial shock absorber meets this
The Hänchen industrial shock absorber compared to standard absorber elements
show’s this clearly: The Hänchen industrial shock absorber (4) decelerates
the mass across the whole deceleration distance at a constant braking force.
It absorbs the mass gently and decelerates uniformly across the whole
stroke. This results in a constant, linear characteristic curve and reduces
the stress on the machine to a minimum.

Pressure Intensifier
- Hydraulic pressure intensifier
Without doubt, hydraulic solutions can be said to operate with immense
forces. Whoever occasionally needs even more force and therefore doesn't
want to reconfigure the complete hydraulic system accordingly can now save
themselves the bother by opting to install a hydraulic pressure intensifier.

Mounting Parts
- Mounting part, Assembly Utility, Accessories
Inside, outside – it’s all there: right down to the last screw. The special
feature about Hänchen hydraulic cylinders and industrial shock absorbers is
the fact that the user, in principle, no longer has to consider how he/she
can fit the purchased hydraulic cylinder. With the decision in favour of
Hänchen hydraulic cylinders, the exhaustive and expensive development of
mounting parts or procurement difficulties are relegated to a thing of the

Air Filter
- Hydraulic cylinders, which are intended to have a long
service life, must of course not be impaired in their function.
For non-applied hydraulic cylinder spaces or oil tanks the danger exists
that inflowing air may enable foreign bodies to enter the interior of
hydraulic systems. These are indeed capable of causing major damage. This
can be prevented by using Hänchen air filters. Air filters from the Hänchen
range of products are one of the typical Hänchen developments, which in the
meantime form the basis of the general Hänchen quality standards. They are
suitable for the filtering of flowing air and gas and can be used up to
maximum temperatures of 100 °C.

Special Cylinders
- Special products, special developments, special
One of our real strengths is in know-how gained from special solutions.
Hänchen's standard range of products has for decades benefited from the
know-how gained from the countless special solutions which our specialists
have created for customers. Knowledge breeds success.

Ratio-Drive® System Solutions
- The high-performance linear drive, a controlled
electrohydraulic drive – the way to get things moving for you!
- You want to implement specific movements and speed profiles?
- You want to move to any given position or height and do it time and