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100% Management of Manure with PlanET Vario

100% Management of Manure with PlanET Vario Photo by PlanET Biogastechnik GmbH

100% Management of Manure with PlanET Vario
Photo by PlanET Biogastechnik GmbH

The PlanET Biogastechnik GmbH has further developed its feeding system PlanET Vario which is now much more market-oriented. In addition to the familiar unique selling points, like modular design, 5-year warranty on push rods and container bottom, below-average power consumption and effective substrate flexibility, it is now possible to process 100% solid manure or other fibre-rich substrates. With this, the ‘PlanET Vario Manure and Grass PLUS’ is exceptionally suitable for repowering of a certain feeding technology.

“More and more users want to digest affordable and fibre-rich feeding substrates, like grass or solid manure. This is why we have further developed the major technical components of the PlanET Vario,” said Andreas Thesseling, Manager of the Feeding Systems Department at PlanET. “Besides the proven technical solutions, such as a second loosening auger and reinforcement of the substructure for heavier loads, a larger auger system and an automatic control of the output speed has been implemented. The special highlight is the interaction of the different measures, especially the auger design and the replaceable counter-cutters at the output made of special steel. The details, like the retainers on the outside walls and the higher hydraulic power, top the package off,” said the development specialist. “With this, the system is designed to operate at the optimum level, whilst, mitigating the components from overload”.

For further information, please visit: www.planet-biogas.com

Replaceable counter-cutter  Photo by PlanET Biogastechnik GmbH

Replaceable counter-cutterPhoto by PlanET Biogastechnik GmbH